Tournament Details tab

The Tournament details are displayed on the left hand side of the screen. A list of players in the tournament is display on the right hand side A list of pairings to avoid and pre arranged byes can also be displayed.

Tournament Details

Under the tournament details, is a set of buttons that allow you to manage the tournament:

  • The Update button allows you to change the Tournament details.
  • The Lock buttons allows you to Lock or Unlock a tournament. When a tournament is locked no details can be changed. A warning is displayed before a tournament is unlocked.


On the right side of the view are three list of details for the tournament

  • Player list, shows a list of all players in the tournament.
  • Avoid list shows all pairings that should be avoided.
  • Bye list shows all pre arranged byes.

These lists can be maintained via the common buttons as described on the Tournament view

Player List

The Player list displays a list of all players in the tournament along with their score and the number of games played. This uses the systems standard list with its associated functionality.

Tournament details - Player List

Under the player list is a set of buttons that allow you to manage the players in the tournament.

  • Update Player button displays the player details so that they can be updated, any updates are automatically reflected back onto the Master player details.
  • Withdraw, allows you to mark a player as withdrawn from the tournament, so that they will not be considered for pairing in any subsequent rounds.

Players that have withdrawn from the tournament are displayed in light grey.

Avoid List

The Avoid list display a list of all pairings that should be avoided if possible. These Avoid pairings are used by the automated Swiss pairing system to avoid certain pairings where possible. This uses the systems standard list with its associated functionality.

Tournament Details - Avoid List

Bye List

The Bye list displays a list of all pre-arranged byes for a tournament. Any byes that are allocated during the tournament or manually entered during the tournament are not displayed in this list. The automatic Swiss pairing system will use this list to allocate the pre arrange byes. This uses the systems standard list with its associated functionality.

Tournament Details - Bye List