Contacts View

The contact view provides a list of all contacts held on the system. These are primarily used to record controllers, grading officers and treasures for a tournament, but it can be used to record any useful contact.

 Contacts View

On the left hand side of contact view is a list of all Contacts held on the system. This uses the systems standard list with its associated functionality. The details of the contact selected in the list is displayed on the right.

The New, Update and Delete buttons at the bottom of the list of contacts allows the contacts to be maintained in the contact details dialogue.

The New button displays an empty contact details dialogue so that the details of the new contact can be entered.

Update button displays the details of the selected contact in the contact details dialogue so that they can be updated. Double clicking on a contact in the contact list, is the same as clicking on the Update button.

Delete button displays the details of the selected contact in the contact details dialogue so that the deletion can be confirmed. Contacts can not be deleted if they have been used as a controller, treasurer or grading officer in a tournament.